Atlas Mining is an integrated resource company with significant and focused interests in copper, nickel, mineral exploration and water source development. Its major project is the Toledo copper mine in Cebu province which is operated by Carmen Copper Corporation. The Toledo copper mine commenced production in 1955 and grew to become the third largest copper producer in the world. Other projects are focused on nickel mining, exploration and water.

100% Carmen Copper Corporation
CARMEN COPPER CORPORATION (“Carmen Copper”) has exclusive operating rights over the in situ mineral resources and ore reserves of Carmen, Lutopan and Biga mineral deposits, collectively known as the Toledo copper mine.
25% Berong Nickel Corporation
BERONG NICKEL CORPORATION holds the fourth largest nickel laterite-saprolite deposit in the world. The mine has been shipping laterite nickel ore since February 2007.
100% Atlas Exploration, Inc.
Owns/controls considerable hectarage of mineral rights in Cebu and in other parts of the Philippines. Atlas Mining aims to increase and enhance its mineral resource-based assets through a comprehensive exploration program.